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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Instructional Aide/Teaching Assistant10/23/2024Aide/paraCampus Academy High SchoolApply
Classroom Teacher - SEEM Prep10/15/2024TeacherSEEM PrepApply
Fee for Service Physical Therapist09/23/2024Per-DiemAdministrationApply
Middle School Special Education Paraprofessional09/04/2024Aide/paraSEEM Middle SchoolApply
School Psychologist07/12/2024TeacherAssessment and Intervention CenterApply
Itinerant TVI/COMS06/10/2024TeacherAdministrationApply
Job Coach (SY2024-2025)05/20/2024Job CoachSEEM PrepApply
ABA Home Provider05/13/2024Aide/paraAdministrationApply
Fee for Service BCBA05/13/2024BCBA - Per-DiemAdministrationApply
TLC Special Education Paraprofessional 24-25SY05/09/2024Aide/paraTherapeutic Learning CenterApply